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Waterford Treasures


Waterford Treasures comprises 5 individual museums.  These award winning museums all located just minutes from each other tell the story of this beautiful ancient city right from its inception when the vikings founded and built Waterford in 914.

  • The Medieval Museum is  Ireland’s only  purpose-built medieval museum
  • The Irish Silver Museum is an intimate and personal collection of silver treasures from Ireland
  • The Bishop’s Palace displays the treasures of Georgian and Victorian Waterford
  • The Irish Museum of Time housed in a refurbished gothic-style church shows a fine collection of Irish timepieces
  • The Irish Wake museum is located in Ireland’s oldest urban domestic building, details traditions and superstitions around Irish wakes from early Christian times right up to the 20th century

Contact Waterford Treasures directly for tours and bookings

Dunmore Escapes

Littlewood Kilmacomb,
Dunmore East,
Co Waterford

Terms & Conditions

Mobile: +353-85-8689338


Vat No: 3230647QH

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Website by: Déise Design